
Indications for use of the drug INDOMETACIN

  • inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic, juvenile chronic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • rheumatic lesions of the soft tissues;
  • gouty arthritis.
  • as part of complex therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of ENT organs, adnexitis, prostatitis, cystitis, neuritis, algodismenorea, headache and toothache (as part of combination therapy).

For local use: prevention of the inflammatory process during surgical interventions for cataracts and the anterior segment of the eye, inhibition of myosis during surgery.

For external use: articular syndrome (including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout), pain in the spine, neuralgia, myalgia, traumatic inflammation of the soft tissues and joints.

Pharmacological action of indomethacin

In accordance with the instructions for indomethacin, the active active ingredient of the drug of all forms of release is indomethacin.

Excipients in the composition of Indomethacin tablets are potato starch, cellactose, copovidone, calcium stearate, titanium dioxide, Eudragit L 100-55 or L 100, talc, dye, macrogol 6000.

The auxiliary components that make up Indomethacin suppositories are semisynthetic glycerides and cetyl alcohol.

According to the instructions, Indomethacin belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Widely used indomethacin in gynecology and general practice.

The active substance of the drug contributes to the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme, due to which the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid is inhibited.

The drug also has properties such as the suppression of oxidative phosphorylation, increased noradrenaline metabolism, and inhibition of reuptake of catecholamines. this When using indomethacin has a ganglion-blocking effect.

The drug helps to slow down the proteoglycan biosynthesis in cartilage in accordance with the concentrations that are observed in the patient, inhibits platelet aggregation.

When using Indomethacin tablets, solution and suppositories, pain is eliminated, erythema and edema decrease.

In the treatment of rheumatic diseases, due to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Indomethacin, there is a weakening of symptoms such as pain at rest and during movement, morning stiffness and swelling of the joints.

When used, indomethacin has an antipyretic effect that exceeds the effect of acetylsalicylic acid and phenylbutazone.

In gynecology, Indomethacin is used for diseases of the uterus and appendages.

As a rule, the anti-inflammatory effect is manifested by the end of the first week of treatment. With prolonged therapy, the drug has a desensitizing effect on the body..

When taken internally, indomethacin is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood occurs after 2 hours. It is metabolized in the liver, excreted through the kidneys. The period of complete elimination of the drug from the body is 8-10 hours.

Drug interaction

  • In combination with methotrexate, lithium preparations and digoxin, their serum concentrations increase, which can enhance their toxic properties.
  • The simultaneous use of indomethacin with ethanol-containing drugs, glucocorticoids, colchicine and corticotropin increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Combination with paracetamol increases the risk of nephrotoxicity.
  • The combination with insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs enhances their effect.
  • The combination with indirect antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants and thrombolytics enhances their effects and increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Gold and cyclosporin in combination with indomethacin increase the risk of nephrotoxicity.
  • Concomitant use with potassium-sparing diuretics reduces their effect and increases the risk of hyperkalemia.
  • In combination with cefamandol, plikamycin, cefaperazone, valproic acid, cefotetan, the risk of bleeding and the incidence of hypoprothrombinemia increase.
  • The drug reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive and uricosuric drugs, increases the side effects of estrogens, glucocorticoids and other NSAIDs.
  • Colestyramine and antacids lower indomethacin absorption.
  • Increases the toxicity of zidovudine. http://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-8880-5186/indomethacin-oral/indomethacin-oral/details Concurrent administration of myelotoxic drugs increases their hematotoxicity.